Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Potosi, Bolivia - Silver Mines
Hi Jill
Well Rodrigo's fortune or rather his inheritance was founded originally on the silver mines of Potosi. I am going to send you some more on his Martinist connections etc. in the near future. I suppose my painting is subject to all sorts of subconscious and dreaming influences in common with most other artists (not that I am one of those - just a part-time painter) I suspect. Your journal must be a most fascinating document - worthy in parts for publication maybe. I think the mysterious Liliane was the daughter of a woman Castillon met during his English "exile" and took under his "protection" (as they termed it in those days), a teenager, and that he feared he was becoming fatally attracted to and that that was the reason for his sudden decision to rush off to serve in World War 1. More later.
Well Rodrigo's fortune or rather his inheritance was founded originally on the silver mines of Potosi. I am going to send you some more on his Martinist connections etc. in the near future. I suppose my painting is subject to all sorts of subconscious and dreaming influences in common with most other artists (not that I am one of those - just a part-time painter) I suspect. Your journal must be a most fascinating document - worthy in parts for publication maybe. I think the mysterious Liliane was the daughter of a woman Castillon met during his English "exile" and took under his "protection" (as they termed it in those days), a teenager, and that he feared he was becoming fatally attracted to and that that was the reason for his sudden decision to rush off to serve in World War 1. More later.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Pasqually in Haiti
Martinist Chatechism - Elus Cohen.

Hi Jill
Castillon has a crest as well or at least the Saenz part of the family does (see attachment). They were amongst the first Spanish families in the New World, conquistadors in fact. I seem to remember a reference to Perillos in one of the Diary entries. Also a mention of Rodrigo's great-grandfather who was a confederate of Martinez Pasqually a master mason in the French Grand Lodge who in 1760 founded the Lodge of the Elus-Cohens which had an influence on Saint-Martin founder of the Martinists. Pasqually died in Haiti after founding lodges there and apparently Castillons great-grandfather Saenz visited him there. Saenz was in transit from Bolivia to Europe at the time at the time to further his education. His occult education you might say began there because this was the beginning I suspect of the family's later Martinist connections.. Visited New Castillon blog nice to see everything there. A Marques no less - I'm impressed. Saw a review of Angels and Demons in an English paper - it wasn't a good one- it did say that Tom Hanks hairstyle was an improvement on last time. Have you read the book - people say that it is atrociously written.Saw the Kahlo film and thought it excellent as you say Salma Hayek gave a great performance. Weather wet and windy here - waiting for summer. I see the poor old Tucson Citizen has fallen on hard times could this be the end of an era. Take care.
Colin H.
Castillon has a crest as well or at least the Saenz part of the family does (see attachment). They were amongst the first Spanish families in the New World, conquistadors in fact. I seem to remember a reference to Perillos in one of the Diary entries. Also a mention of Rodrigo's great-grandfather who was a confederate of Martinez Pasqually a master mason in the French Grand Lodge who in 1760 founded the Lodge of the Elus-Cohens which had an influence on Saint-Martin founder of the Martinists. Pasqually died in Haiti after founding lodges there and apparently Castillons great-grandfather Saenz visited him there. Saenz was in transit from Bolivia to Europe at the time at the time to further his education. His occult education you might say began there because this was the beginning I suspect of the family's later Martinist connections.. Visited New Castillon blog nice to see everything there. A Marques no less - I'm impressed. Saw a review of Angels and Demons in an English paper - it wasn't a good one- it did say that Tom Hanks hairstyle was an improvement on last time. Have you read the book - people say that it is atrociously written.Saw the Kahlo film and thought it excellent as you say Salma Hayek gave a great performance. Weather wet and windy here - waiting for summer. I see the poor old Tucson Citizen has fallen on hard times could this be the end of an era. Take care.
Colin H.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Marquis and Frida
Hi Jill
How very quaint and I am sure dear old Rodrigo would find it all so amusing. You talk of this "Marquise" in the masculine but that would be Marquis surely as in De Sade etc., etc. He's surely not a Marchioness? Where do they get these titles from anyway.
The "Merovingian" picture is finished will send you a photo of it as soon as I can. Yes its amazing the way people clamoured to get hold of Dickens' works. Just shows the advantages of serialization in those days.Was that a good production in your opinion. Of course Quilp is portrayed as really repulsive both physically and morally in the book being a victim of dwarfism which is probably not PC acceptable at today's BBC but as I say I haven't seen that one.
Yes I like Mary Cassat and Berthe Morrisot too. What do you think of Frida Kahlo?
Colin H
How very quaint and I am sure dear old Rodrigo would find it all so amusing. You talk of this "Marquise" in the masculine but that would be Marquis surely as in De Sade etc., etc. He's surely not a Marchioness? Where do they get these titles from anyway.
The "Merovingian" picture is finished will send you a photo of it as soon as I can. Yes its amazing the way people clamoured to get hold of Dickens' works. Just shows the advantages of serialization in those days.Was that a good production in your opinion. Of course Quilp is portrayed as really repulsive both physically and morally in the book being a victim of dwarfism which is probably not PC acceptable at today's BBC but as I say I haven't seen that one.
Yes I like Mary Cassat and Berthe Morrisot too. What do you think of Frida Kahlo?
Colin H
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Oscar Wilde in France
Hi Jill
Thanks for all the stuff received recently. Have visted the art blog and enjoyed the pictures. You could be right about the purpose of the code but then again it could have been to protect the people he knew from embarrassment at what was revealed or to protect himself from any
revenge attempts some of these occultly powerful people may have tried to make against him. Its all speculation. I was amazed to see that there is still so much material of Castillon on the Net when I "googled" him recently. The identity of Mademoiselle Senza that's another mystery especially how she came to be his ward and I am beginning to think she could have been his love-child by Semiramis. Has the Vatican really changed its stance on Angels and Demons. I haven't seen much about that and I haven't seen any critiques of the film in English papers yet.
I must have missed the BBC's Old Curiosity Shop. The ending of it, that is Little Nell's death, is supposed to have reduced grown men to tears including the notoriously severe Chief Justice Lord Cockburn but Oscar Wilde made one of his barbed epigrams about it saying "A man would need a heart of stone not to burst out - Laughing! Poor old Oscar - I wonder did Castillon ever meet him. Not beyond the bounds of possibility given that Oscar spent his last years in France after his release from prison.
The big topic of news over here is the discovery that British Members of Parliament have been shamefully misusing the money they are allowed to claim as cost-of-living allowances for all sorts of questionable purposes. It turns out - no surprise to an old cynic like me - that our beloved Mother of Parliaments is just as corrupt as any other country's government.
Have been having more trouble with AOL - over the weekend it wouldn't let me access my e-mails most annoying but seems to be ok now. Take care.
Thanks for all the stuff received recently. Have visted the art blog and enjoyed the pictures. You could be right about the purpose of the code but then again it could have been to protect the people he knew from embarrassment at what was revealed or to protect himself from any
revenge attempts some of these occultly powerful people may have tried to make against him. Its all speculation. I was amazed to see that there is still so much material of Castillon on the Net when I "googled" him recently. The identity of Mademoiselle Senza that's another mystery especially how she came to be his ward and I am beginning to think she could have been his love-child by Semiramis. Has the Vatican really changed its stance on Angels and Demons. I haven't seen much about that and I haven't seen any critiques of the film in English papers yet.
I must have missed the BBC's Old Curiosity Shop. The ending of it, that is Little Nell's death, is supposed to have reduced grown men to tears including the notoriously severe Chief Justice Lord Cockburn but Oscar Wilde made one of his barbed epigrams about it saying "A man would need a heart of stone not to burst out - Laughing! Poor old Oscar - I wonder did Castillon ever meet him. Not beyond the bounds of possibility given that Oscar spent his last years in France after his release from prison.
The big topic of news over here is the discovery that British Members of Parliament have been shamefully misusing the money they are allowed to claim as cost-of-living allowances for all sorts of questionable purposes. It turns out - no surprise to an old cynic like me - that our beloved Mother of Parliaments is just as corrupt as any other country's government.
Have been having more trouble with AOL - over the weekend it wouldn't let me access my e-mails most annoying but seems to be ok now. Take care.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Gaby Deslys
Hi Jill
Sorry not to have been in touch these past few days. Have been trying to get some painting done as the weather has been too bad - wind, rain - to do much in the garden. Gaby DesLys mmmm would be nice to think so but I don't buy it having looked at many pictures of her.. She was incredibly beautiful and had many admirers including the King of Portugal so I don't think poor old Rodrigo was quite in her league (he did have lots of charm though when it came to romancing ladies) although she did appear on stage in London about the time he was living in London. Dickens died in 1870 so Rodrigo was in London about 40 years later when as I say the city was a vastly different place. I must say that I am as puzzledas you about Little Dorrit but she was definitely born to Old Dorrit's wife just after they entered the Marshalsea the birth is graphically described at the beginning but I don't think she was his child but Clennam Senior's who was not after all Arthur's father. Confusing or what.
Colin H
Sorry not to have been in touch these past few days. Have been trying to get some painting done as the weather has been too bad - wind, rain - to do much in the garden. Gaby DesLys mmmm would be nice to think so but I don't buy it having looked at many pictures of her.. She was incredibly beautiful and had many admirers including the King of Portugal so I don't think poor old Rodrigo was quite in her league (he did have lots of charm though when it came to romancing ladies) although she did appear on stage in London about the time he was living in London. Dickens died in 1870 so Rodrigo was in London about 40 years later when as I say the city was a vastly different place. I must say that I am as puzzledas you about Little Dorrit but she was definitely born to Old Dorrit's wife just after they entered the Marshalsea the birth is graphically described at the beginning but I don't think she was his child but Clennam Senior's who was not after all Arthur's father. Confusing or what.
Colin H
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Castillon the Book
Hi Jill
Sixties music - well I liked the West Coast Sound particularly Jefferson Airplane but Stone Ponies I must have missed. Oh and The Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and later The Band. Didn't know Linda Ronstadt was a Tucsonian. Yes I like Mariachi and most things Mexican - pity about the swine flu though. A "classical" piece I particularly like is El Salon Mexico by Aaron Copland.
Thanks for the Wiccan urls. Must have a look. Your friend sounds like quite a lady. It's all White Magic right?
Give you a break you say with regard to Don Rodrigo ok his name shall never again pass my lips again in my e-mails to you if you see what I mean. But when the book comes out detailing his nefarious and amorous exploits under the imprint of some questionable bodice-ripping publisher and sells a few million (if only) remember that you heard about him here first!
Will be interested to see your Senior Project when you get it online and the photos of those lovely genius girls.
By the way I have finished my picture. Three Masked Ladies it's a sort of collage. It's also a tad strange and I have subtitled it A Merovingian Pagan Rite. I had this strange feeling while working on it that the Merovingians were lurking in the shadows. Most odd. Must find out more about their pre-Christian culture. Will send you a picture of the picture when I manage to take one.
Always nice to hear from you Jill you lead such an interesting life.
Oh I am now reading the Arizona Daily Star as well.
You never got round to naming your favourite artists.
Colin H
Sixties music - well I liked the West Coast Sound particularly Jefferson Airplane but Stone Ponies I must have missed. Oh and The Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and later The Band. Didn't know Linda Ronstadt was a Tucsonian. Yes I like Mariachi and most things Mexican - pity about the swine flu though. A "classical" piece I particularly like is El Salon Mexico by Aaron Copland.
Thanks for the Wiccan urls. Must have a look. Your friend sounds like quite a lady. It's all White Magic right?
Give you a break you say with regard to Don Rodrigo ok his name shall never again pass my lips again in my e-mails to you if you see what I mean. But when the book comes out detailing his nefarious and amorous exploits under the imprint of some questionable bodice-ripping publisher and sells a few million (if only) remember that you heard about him here first!
Will be interested to see your Senior Project when you get it online and the photos of those lovely genius girls.
By the way I have finished my picture. Three Masked Ladies it's a sort of collage. It's also a tad strange and I have subtitled it A Merovingian Pagan Rite. I had this strange feeling while working on it that the Merovingians were lurking in the shadows. Most odd. Must find out more about their pre-Christian culture. Will send you a picture of the picture when I manage to take one.
Always nice to hear from you Jill you lead such an interesting life.
Oh I am now reading the Arizona Daily Star as well.
You never got round to naming your favourite artists.
Colin H
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Castillon in England
Hi Jill
This weekend and today was a holiday weekend over here and of course the weather was foul. You've not been dancing recently have you because we have certainly had the rain. So the Catholics are a problem and a thorn in your side. Is that surprising given the attitude of the RC Church to Dan Brown. Witness their anger at the new film. Yes I'd like the Diary to be just entre nous for the time being unless I think some of it should be released but then I don't want to cause any more trouble for you. I gave the Forum a miss. Too much of a coward I suppose. My motto is don't look for trouble.Visited the Blog without any trouble and looked at the photos all those lovely ladies - what happened to them all?
Castillon in London - yes it's quite possible he did go under the name Senza over here and that he adopted his Mademoiselle. His personal finances were sorted out through a series of deals with his creditors and he emerged from the debacle with enough to live on but on condition he lived abroad. He had to write (mostly journalistic hack work) for the many weekly and monthly journals which flourished in England at that time and were avidly read by a wide new readership the product of the compulsory education acts from 1872 onwards. His masonic and occultist credentials also no doubt opened a good number of doors for him. As to the climate well its not all that bad and sanitary and public health reform had made London a far different place from what it had been in Dickens's time, after all it was now the capital of a mighty Empire, and he could always escape to the south coast to sample the delights of Brighton which was known as "Doctor Brighton" because of its power to restore the jaded spirits of city dwellers. Not of course as glitzy as Nice or Monte Carlo but beggars, etc. Yes I am sure he enjoyed life on the whole but he was a prey to melancholy and disillusionment and would probably be diagnosed bi-polar today and this probably had something to do with the alacrity with which he joined the army in 1914. Unlocking the coded passages would help but then again they might just be a sordid chronicle of sexual conquest and what then.
My I seem to have gone on a bit but I do enjoy writing to you and receiving your e-mails. Take care now.
This weekend and today was a holiday weekend over here and of course the weather was foul. You've not been dancing recently have you because we have certainly had the rain. So the Catholics are a problem and a thorn in your side. Is that surprising given the attitude of the RC Church to Dan Brown. Witness their anger at the new film. Yes I'd like the Diary to be just entre nous for the time being unless I think some of it should be released but then I don't want to cause any more trouble for you. I gave the Forum a miss. Too much of a coward I suppose. My motto is don't look for trouble.Visited the Blog without any trouble and looked at the photos all those lovely ladies - what happened to them all?
Castillon in London - yes it's quite possible he did go under the name Senza over here and that he adopted his Mademoiselle. His personal finances were sorted out through a series of deals with his creditors and he emerged from the debacle with enough to live on but on condition he lived abroad. He had to write (mostly journalistic hack work) for the many weekly and monthly journals which flourished in England at that time and were avidly read by a wide new readership the product of the compulsory education acts from 1872 onwards. His masonic and occultist credentials also no doubt opened a good number of doors for him. As to the climate well its not all that bad and sanitary and public health reform had made London a far different place from what it had been in Dickens's time, after all it was now the capital of a mighty Empire, and he could always escape to the south coast to sample the delights of Brighton which was known as "Doctor Brighton" because of its power to restore the jaded spirits of city dwellers. Not of course as glitzy as Nice or Monte Carlo but beggars, etc. Yes I am sure he enjoyed life on the whole but he was a prey to melancholy and disillusionment and would probably be diagnosed bi-polar today and this probably had something to do with the alacrity with which he joined the army in 1914. Unlocking the coded passages would help but then again they might just be a sordid chronicle of sexual conquest and what then.
My I seem to have gone on a bit but I do enjoy writing to you and receiving your e-mails. Take care now.
Don Rodrigo - A man -about -town
Hi Jill
Thanks for all the e-mails and the photo. Nice costume. Still not clear about Rain dancers and tornado dancers having limited experience as it were.
Yes Castillon would without doubt have worn an opera cloak. He was a man about town, a boulevardier, a dandy and he had the time and the money. I don't thimk he moved in the very highest circles of French society of that time but I think he moved between the respectable or outwardly respectable bourgeoisie, the demi-monde and bohemia with ease, between nouveaux riche, adventurers, artistes, writers, speculative thinkers and artists.
Thanks for all the e-mails and the photo. Nice costume. Still not clear about Rain dancers and tornado dancers having limited experience as it were.
Yes Castillon would without doubt have worn an opera cloak. He was a man about town, a boulevardier, a dandy and he had the time and the money. I don't thimk he moved in the very highest circles of French society of that time but I think he moved between the respectable or outwardly respectable bourgeoisie, the demi-monde and bohemia with ease, between nouveaux riche, adventurers, artistes, writers, speculative thinkers and artists.
Still Working on the Diary (!)
Tue 4/28/09 11:14 AM
Hi Jill
Panic over your e-mail turned up again - good old aol. That was a relief to know that Castillon is not after all relegated to the outer darkness. Yes I am still working on the diary as and when I can. Should have something very soon you shall have it. Beginning to think I might be a psychic dreamer too on the evidence of strange experiences when painting the three women. What characterizes a psychic dreamer? In the 60's I worked for six years in Tanzania helping to set up a public library service. 1966-1972 to be precise. Have never been back but they were great years. The Forum seems to have really got to you. I usually avoid scenes like that. Quiet, reclusive,not to say monkish person that I am! Take care.
Colin H.
Tue 4/28/09 11:14 AM
Hi Jill
Panic over your e-mail turned up again - good old aol. That was a relief to know that Castillon is not after all relegated to the outer darkness. Yes I am still working on the diary as and when I can. Should have something very soon you shall have it. Beginning to think I might be a psychic dreamer too on the evidence of strange experiences when painting the three women. What characterizes a psychic dreamer? In the 60's I worked for six years in Tanzania helping to set up a public library service. 1966-1972 to be precise. Have never been back but they were great years. The Forum seems to have really got to you. I usually avoid scenes like that. Quiet, reclusive,not to say monkish person that I am! Take care.
Colin H.
Pre RLC - Emma Calve`s Party Guests Deciphered
Hello Jill
Thank you for your latest e-mails. I am sorry if I seemed to be impatient for a reply. I realize that you must lead a very busy life and it is good of you to take the time out to correspond with me. I am glad that you found the extracts I sent you a little exciting and I can see that they would be seen as just that by Sauniere researchers. I would not object to you writing about them providing that I can retain my anonymity for the present. Could that be done? I really appreciate your input into all this and don't mind sharing what I find with you. Your second e-mail I found a little cryptic. The subject is Papus and you write, "Is it he whom she describes?" I don't think Papus was at EC's little house-party, the 'Sar' is almost certainly Josephin Peladan, writer, mystic and motivator of the Rose+Croix. He styled himself 'Sar' which he said was ancient Persian for Mage. Incidentally he was yet another Lyonaisse. His knowledge of the esoteric was said to be unrivalled in his day. His friends called him "a one-man orchestra of the infinite" and although he was best known as a music critic, he was a novelist as well and a patron of Symbolist Art. It was thanks to his slogan "Artist-you are the king! Artist-you are the priest! Artist-you are the Mage" and his untiring organization of lectures and concerts and exhibitions that the Salon Rose+Croix got under way.
Now to change the subject. I would like very much to have a copy of the picture you mention if it can be done. Thank you for that..
Kindest regards
Colin H
Dear Jill
Thank you for all the nice things you said about the bird painting. It made my day. I read your piece on Sauniere and Limoux. Enthralling as always. I am still working on Castillon. Will be going up to London this coming weekend to consult with a friend on certain passages. At present working on that house-party at La Diva's (Emma Calve) and what they got up to and think I have identified most of the guests mentioned with some certainty. CD = Debussy, EB = Emma Bardac his mistress and later wife (1908); P = the Polish pianist Paderewski maybe; Leconte = the symbolist, decadent poet and writer of pornographic novels is I think Pierre Louys who inspired Debussy's L'Apres Midi d'une Faun; Marcel = Proust based on the fact that his A la Recherche de Temps Perdues is certainly an oustanding novel of the 20th century;JO = ? this one is a puzzle I must admit but could it be Johann Orth the 'lost' Archduke turned sailor? His morganatic wife was a singer in Vienna I think named Ludmilla ? known as Millie although Castillon says Molly. But wasn't Johann Orth officially dead by this time? The Ser is surely Sar Peladan. Anyway the work goes on. Trust you are well and no nasty side-effects from flue jab. Will keep in touch,
kindest regards,
Colin H.
Thank you for your latest e-mails. I am sorry if I seemed to be impatient for a reply. I realize that you must lead a very busy life and it is good of you to take the time out to correspond with me. I am glad that you found the extracts I sent you a little exciting and I can see that they would be seen as just that by Sauniere researchers. I would not object to you writing about them providing that I can retain my anonymity for the present. Could that be done? I really appreciate your input into all this and don't mind sharing what I find with you. Your second e-mail I found a little cryptic. The subject is Papus and you write, "Is it he whom she describes?" I don't think Papus was at EC's little house-party, the 'Sar' is almost certainly Josephin Peladan, writer, mystic and motivator of the Rose+Croix. He styled himself 'Sar' which he said was ancient Persian for Mage. Incidentally he was yet another Lyonaisse. His knowledge of the esoteric was said to be unrivalled in his day. His friends called him "a one-man orchestra of the infinite" and although he was best known as a music critic, he was a novelist as well and a patron of Symbolist Art. It was thanks to his slogan "Artist-you are the king! Artist-you are the priest! Artist-you are the Mage" and his untiring organization of lectures and concerts and exhibitions that the Salon Rose+Croix got under way.
Now to change the subject. I would like very much to have a copy of the picture you mention if it can be done. Thank you for that..
Kindest regards
Colin H
Dear Jill
Thank you for all the nice things you said about the bird painting. It made my day. I read your piece on Sauniere and Limoux. Enthralling as always. I am still working on Castillon. Will be going up to London this coming weekend to consult with a friend on certain passages. At present working on that house-party at La Diva's (Emma Calve) and what they got up to and think I have identified most of the guests mentioned with some certainty. CD = Debussy, EB = Emma Bardac his mistress and later wife (1908); P = the Polish pianist Paderewski maybe; Leconte = the symbolist, decadent poet and writer of pornographic novels is I think Pierre Louys who inspired Debussy's L'Apres Midi d'une Faun; Marcel = Proust based on the fact that his A la Recherche de Temps Perdues is certainly an oustanding novel of the 20th century;JO = ? this one is a puzzle I must admit but could it be Johann Orth the 'lost' Archduke turned sailor? His morganatic wife was a singer in Vienna I think named Ludmilla ? known as Millie although Castillon says Molly. But wasn't Johann Orth officially dead by this time? The Ser is surely Sar Peladan. Anyway the work goes on. Trust you are well and no nasty side-effects from flue jab. Will keep in touch,
kindest regards,
Colin H.
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